Something old, something new...

OK. Series 5 is well and truly over. I'm sure that we have all been re-watching it (or part of it) - if only to see how it all fits together. 'The Big Bang' certainly raised as many questions as it answered.

I know that some of you are uncertain how to judge the last two episodes (or the season as a whole) until we eventually find out about The Silence, River Song, etc...

Similar comments were raised earlier in the season. Several of you felt it unfair to score 'The Time of Angels' before seeing the second episode. (See: It's a long story... and I don't know most of it!) I promised at the time that we would run separate polls for each of the multi-part stories after the end of the season.

So, starting today we are doing just that. Please vote in the poll on the home page.

Soon we shall publish the season results. I think you might be surprised...