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New Series Prologue

The BBC have released a short prologue to The Magician's Apprentice, which is scheduled for broadcast on Saturday 19th September at 7.40pm.

Doctorate for the Hon Prez!

We're delighted to announce that our esteemed Hon Prez is to receive an Honorary Doctorate from Bucks New University.

The citation states that it is in reconition of "his international standing, local profile and links to the University's course portfolio."

Warmest congratulations Colin.

At last - The Underwater Menace!

The Underwater Menace DVD has been confirmed for release on October 26th. More details in due course.

Back to the 80s - Next Guest

We are pleased to confirm our next guest for 'Back to the 80s'. From an early VHS video release of a 1960s story - Louise Pajo who was 'Miss Kelly' in Seeds of Death, will be joining us..

CT448 Guest Editor: Alan Stevens

Hi everyone,

I am the guest-editor for Celestial Toyroom issue 448. I would just like to thank Paul Winter for giving me this opportunity, and in response I have pulled together a group of dedicated writers who have submitted to me sharp, questioning and, above all, well written articles. This whole experience has been a hugely enjoyable one and I hope this in some way comes over on the page.

Latest Trailer

The BBC has released a new, fairly spoiler free trailer for series 9..

Strangeness in Space

We’re very much looking forward to the launch of Strangeness in Space, a new comedy audio drama, this Saturday.

Written by, and starring, Saturday morning telly legends Trev & Simon, alongside the ever lovely Sophie Aldred the first episode, Featherheads, goes live at 9.30am on August 1st and will be available for free download via itunes as well at the SIS website.

Back to the 80s - Next Guest

We are very pleased to announce that Mark Strickson will be attending 'Back to the 80s'.

For more details:

Series 9 Trailer

The first full trailer containing material from the next series has been shown in the UK on BBC1 and is now available to view online. To see it at the BBC website click here:

'Back to the 80s' Guests ***Update***

Alongside Philip Martin and Andrew Smith we are pleased to be welcoming Colin Baker. Click the link above for more details.