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New Toybox Items

Brand new items hit the Toybox today all from Series 5. The 11 Doctor set is wonderful!! The Toybox welcomes this product very much!

New Toybox Items

Professor River Song has the future Sonic - but why? A topical addition to the Toybox, where you can view other Sonics too!

Toybox for this week

The Toybox now contains a collection of Sonics!

Dennis Chinnery Artwork

Actor Dennis Chinnery (The Chase, Genesis of the Daleks and The Twin Dilemma) has been in contact to say that he still painting, and many of his original artworks are available for sale. He recently painted a fabulous Doctor Who inspired piece of work.

If you would like to contact Dennis about his work, contact publicity using the contact form.

New Toybox items

There are some new items out of the toybox today! There are the new Forbidden Planet exclusive figures and more besides!

Toybox and Prom

I have been enjoying looking at the Toybox today. Its amazing how many items have been released since the programme began in 1963. The images on our site compliments the great work of other greater collectors such as David Howe, whose Transcendental Toybox book is simply a work of love.

Keep watching the Toybox grow as new items are added weekly, rather than daily!

The Vampires of Venice

The BBC Press Release for this episode can be found at:


Although we did not create any headlines this week, the publicity for the prgramme continues. My favourite this week comes from:

Yes Jo Grant is back!

Enough said (cannot wait) .

Publicity Link

Interest in the BBC Archive

Today's interest in Doctor Who is within the online publication of "The Changing Face of Doctor Who" at the BBC archive site.

The DWAS were contacted for their view of the archive by The Press Association Online. This involved a video interview to be used by Virgin Online, The Mirror and others.

When we have a link to the sites it is used it will be posted here.